Communications (Linked Contracts)


The Communications Module provides a streamlined look and feel across all HHAX environments. Users can see the interchange (message thread) and reply to all related messages to include the original message. This design applies to all communications (Patient and Non-Patient) and to all communications pages throughout the system (Home, Patient Notes, and Payer Communications).


The Communications functionality in HHAeXchange (HHAX) provides interconnectivity between a Payer and a Provider servicing a Linked Contract Patient. This feature allows both parties to communicate with one another, facilitating a fluid exchange of Patient, Scheduling, Medical, and Authorization information between users.


This category covers the various forms of communication functions within the HHAX system and how to manage reviewing, creating, replying, and closing each type of message.


Please direct any questions, thoughts, or concerns regarding the content herein to HHAeXchange Client Support.


HHAX System Key Terms and Definitions

The following provides basic definition of HHAX System key terms applicable throughout the document.





Refers to the Member, Consumer, or Recipient. The Patient is the person receiving services.


Refers to the Aide, Homecare Aide, Homecare Worker, or Worker. The Caregiver is the person providing services.


Refers to the Agency or organization coordinating services.


Refers to the Managed Care Organization (MCO), Contract, or HHS. The Payer is the organization placing Patients with Providers.


Acronym for HHAeXchange