How do I edit/fix Mobile App Profile information for my Caregiver if they made a mistake during registration? 

How do I edit a caregiver’s mobile app profile information?

Follow the steps below to edit or fix mistakes made during a caregivers’ mobile app registration:


  1. 1. Go to Admin > Mobile User Management to search and select the caregiver.

  2. 2. Once the caregiver is located, click on the Edit link on the far-right side of the row (under the Edit column) to open the Edit Mobile Profile Information window.

  3. 3. On the Edit window, make your edits and click Save.


How do I start a password reset for a caregiver?

To reset a Mobile App password for a caregiver:


  1. 1. Go to Admin > Mobile User Management to search and select the caregiver.

  2. 2. Once the caregiver is located, click on the Reset link on the far-right side of the row (under the Password column).

  3. 3. The system issues an email or text message to the caregiver, with instructions on resetting their password.


Having trouble?

The Mobile User Management permission is role-based. See below for steps to enable the permission for a role. 


How do I grant Mobile User Management permissions to a role?


  1. 1. Go to Admin > User Management > Edit Roles to open the Edit Roles page.

  2. 2. From the Section field dropdown select Admin and from the Roles dropdown, select the applicable role(s). Click Search for a list of Admin permissions.

  3. 3. Scroll to Mobile User Management and select:

  • Mobile User Management for the respective role(s).

  • Select Edit Mobile User Profiles to allow a role to view and edit profiles.

  • Select Reset Mobile Password to allow the role to reset a mobile user’s passwords

  1. 4. Click Save.

Mobile User Management Permission


Refer to the Mobile User Management help topic for full details on the feature.