Call Dashboard Resolutions

Phone Number Issues



Phone Number Not Found

Phone Number Verified

  1. Click on the Caregiver in the Caregiver Name column.

  2. In the pop-up, click Edit in the Phone column (either update an existing number or add a new one).

  3. Click Update and close the pop-up.

  4. Select Reprocess. The status of the EVV updates to Issue Fixed: Linkable Call.

  5. Click on the number in the Caller ID column.

  6. In the pop-up, click Link to connect the EVV.

Phone Number Not Verified

Click on Reject in the Action column to discard the call.

Call from Caregiver

Number / Caller ID Not Available

  1. Click on the Caregiver in the Caregiver Name column.

  2. In the pop-up, click Edit to navigate to the visit window.

  3. In the Visit Info tab, select Timesheet Required.

  4. Click Save and close the visit window.

  5. Click on Reject in the Action column to discard the call.


    Click Reject in the Action column to discard the call without selecting Timesheet Required.

Call from Unapproved Patient Phone Number

  1. Navigate to Admin > Agency Profile.

  1. In the Accept Time and Attendance Call From, select Phone 2 and/or Phone 3.

  2. The call links automatically.

Note: Only users with the permissions to access the Admin Module and the Agency Profile page may resolve the issue in this manner.


Click on Reject in the Action column to discard the call.



Scheduling/Confirmation Issues



Duplicate Call

Duplicate Call In/Call Out

  1. Click the number in the Caller ID column.

  1. In the Visit column, check for an existing visit start time or end time.

  2. If there is a start or end time listed, close the pop-up and click Reject in the Action column to discard the duplicate call.

Duplicate Call Out with Duties

  1. Click the number in the Caller ID column.

  1. In the Visit column, check for Duties. If there are none recorded, click Edit in the Edit column

  2. Delete the Visit End Time in the visit window.

  3. Close the visit window and refresh the Call Maintenance tab.

  4. Click the number in the Caller ID column.

  5. Click Link in the pop-up to attach the EVV with Duties to the visit.

Out of Window

  1. Click the Caregiver in the Caregiver Name column.

  1. Click Link to connect the EVV to the visit.


  1. Click the Caregiver's name to open a pop-up with the visit details.

  1. In the Edit column, click Edit to open the visit window.

  2. Manually enter the visit start or end time on the Schedule tab and select Timesheet Required.


    If the EVV is invalid, click Reject in the Action column to discard the call.

TEMP Caregiver


  1. Click the number in the Caller ID column.

  1. In the Caregiver Code column, click Edit.

  2. Enter the code of the Caregiver who worked the shift and click Update.

  3. Click Edit in the right-most column to open the visit window.

  4. Link the calls made by the Caregiver.




Different Caregiver Scheduled

  1. Click the number in the Caller ID column.

  1. In the Caregiver Code column, click Edit.

  2. Assign the Caregiver who placed the EVVs. This is the Caregiver who is attached to the issue.

  3. Click Edit in the right-most column to open the visit window.

  4. Link the calls made by the Caregiver.

Visit Verified by Different Caregiver

  1. Verify which Caregiver worked the scheduled visit.

  1. If the EVV is valid, click on the number in the Caller ID column.

  2. In the Caregiver Code column, click Edit to update the visit information to reflect the right Caregiver.

  3. In the Edit column, click Edit to open the visit window and link the calls.


If the EVV is invalid, click Reject in the Action column to discard the call.

No Schedule on Calendar

  1. Click the number in the Caller ID column.

  1. In the Edit column, click New Schedule.

  2. Complete the required fields in the visit window's Schedule tab.

  3. Click Save.


If the EVV is invalid, click Reject in the Action column to discard the call.

Call from Inactive Patient

  1. Click the number in the Caller ID column.

  1. In the pop-up, click on the Patient’s name to navigate to their profile.

  2. In the Patient Profile, open the General page.

  3. Click Update Status and set the status to Active.

  4. On the Call Maintenance tab, click Reprocess.

  5. Click on the number in the Caller ID column and Link to connect the EVVs to the visit.


If the visit was not authorized, click Reject in the Action column to discard the call.




Patient Not Configured for Time and Attendance

  1. Click the number in the Caller ID column.

  1. In the pop-up, click Link to connect one of the EVVs to the visit.

  2. This opens the Visit Info tab of the visit window.

  3. Click Link Call to connect the remaining EVV to the visit.


If the EVV is invalid, click Reject in the Action column to discard the call.

Call Out with No Call In

  1. Click the number in the Caller ID column.

  1. In the Edit column, click Edit.

  2. Manually enter the Visit Start Time.


Search for the Call In EVV on the Call Maintenance tab. If found, resolve the issue and link to the visit.

Potential In/Out Mistake

In the Call Type column, click either IN or OUT to swap the EVV from IN to OUT or vice versa.

Incorrect Linked-Case Call

EVVs with this status cannot be fixed. Click Reject in the Action column to discard the call. The visit either requires a manual confirmation or another EVV placed by the Caregiver at the right time.

No Schedule Opening

This problem occurs when the system cannot categorize a call exception into any of the other statuses. User must either research the call and visit info to identify the error OR click Reject in the Action column to discard the call.


GPS Confirmation Issues



GPS Signal Not Detected

EVVs with this status cannot be fixed. Click Reject in the Action column to discard the call. The visit requires a manual confirmation.

GPS Signal Out of Range

Sometimes, address coordinates from Google Maps do not match the actual coordinates of the Patient’s home. This is often true of rural addresses but can also occur when a Patient lives in a large apartment complex.


To fix this issue, recalculate the coordinates of the Patient’s address using the coordinates associated with the GPS-based EVV that is being held in Call Maintenance. This allows Agencies to correct the Google coordinates by replacing them with the more accurate EVV coordinates.


For more information, see the Editing GPS Coordinates section of the Call Dashboard topic.

Unscheduled – Patient not Scheduled

EVVs with this status cannot be fixed. Click Reject in the Action column to discard the call. The visit requires a manual confirmation.


FOB/Alternative Device Confirmation Issues



Invalid FOB Passcode

EVVs with this status cannot be fixed. Click Reject in the Action column to discard the call. The visit requires a manual confirmation.

Expired FOB Passcode

EVVs with this status cannot be fixed. Click Reject in the Action column to discard the call. The visit requires a manual confirmation.

FOB Confirmation for Inactive Patient

  1. Navigate Patient > Patient Search, and select the Patient.

  2. In the Patient Profile, open the General page.

  3. Click Update Status, and set the status to Active.


Call Reprocess



Issue Fixed: Linkable Call

  1. Click on the number in the Caller ID column.

  2. In the pop-up, click Link to connect one of the EVVs to the visit.