Caregiver registered Mobile ID with data that doesn't match their Caregiver Profile. Mobile App cannot be linked to Agency. How can I fix this?

In the process of registering for the HHAX Mobile App, a Caregiver may incorrectly enter demographic information. As a result, the system cannot pair them with their Profile, and they do not appear in the Mobile User Management page.


Follow the steps below to fix this.


  1. 1. Go to Admin > Mobile User Management.

  2. 2. Click the Find Unlinked Mobile User button.

  3. 3. In the Find Unlinked Mobile User window, enter the Caregiver Mobile ID and one or more identifying piece of information, such as:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • SSN - Last 4 digits of Social Security Number

  • DOB (Date of Birth)

  • Email

  • Phone Number

  1. 4. Click Search. The window expands opening the Matching Caregiver Mobile Profile found section, as seen in the image below.


Matching Caregiver Mobile Profile


  1. 5. Fix any mismatching values. Make sure that both the SSN and DOB information matches. Both the SSN and DOB fields (whether existing or changed) must be included in this window to save the changes.

  2. 6. Click the Save Changes button.

  3. 7. To link the Caregiver Profile with the Mobile App, go to the Caregiver’s Profile, re-enter their Mobile ID and Save.